Web Semester 1 Final Reflection
So 1st semester has come and gone so we can look back on the war that is web design, and just like war web design never changes. Anyways im going to be reflecting on my progress throughout the semester through describing the work that went into creating my final project.
In this project we were given the task to create a website based off of what we were interested in. My topic I decided on was Gaming Genre. Since I know a decent bit about the topic I loved to do my project over this. The overall purpose of this website was to fully test our overall knowledge that we had obtained throughout the semester. The process that went into making my site was simple. Just copy paste code from other sites I had made and edit them to match what I wanted.
What did I Learn?
Well over the project I really didnt learn anything. This project was more a test of skill then anything else. The one thing that I had learned from this project was that your website has to stay consistent. All color schemes have to match up to look appealing, all the text has to look good, the writing style has to stay the same. All to ensure that the viewer never gets confused or disinterested.
What would I do different?
I would like to have had a drop down menu bar for my side bar instead of the bar but time restraints forced me to stay with the simple option. The one thing I liked about my site was the color theme. The color theme, in my opinion, was by far the best part of the site with the site looking very clean with the banner. I think that the color scheme was the best aspect of my project and is probably the skill I will carry over to different projects.