Thursday, March 2, 2017

20 Birds and Illustrator recreation

Creating my 20 Bird Sketch

So for this project we had to create 20 variations of either a bird, house, or flower. I, of course, chose the bird for my project. Most people might think that creating 20 completely different birds would be easy but to that I say NO! NO IT ISN'T! I found this part of the project to be extremely challenging for a lot of reasons. You can see that I have variations of realistic birds like my wood pecker and parrot and I have cartoony fun birds like my bald eagle and "Robin Hoot". This was challenging for me because of how many things we had to do. The first 10 are pretty easy but then you realize that "Crap, I need ten more! what am I gonna do!" so you start to lean more towards realistic birds and start to replicate that. It was a lot of fun, however, being able to challenge myself with something new.

Illustrator Recreation

In illustrator we had to recreate one of the sketches we created so I went with my wood pecker. I don't think it was my best sketch on the page (Either the parrot or the bald eagle is my favorite) but I chose it because I thought it would be a good challenge to test my knowledge of illustrator. It went as I wanted seeing as a learned some very neat tricks within illustrator such as the ability to bring a part of the image forward in front of another one and just over all tricks with the pencil tool to help me out. The wood pecker was a challenge at times, however, with multiple things on the bird having to be pixel perfect. It was a overall good learning experience for me and I really do think I benefitted from it.

Final Product

The piece of work came out great in my opinion with only a couple bad spots on it. It has good pencil and border management and its very clean. If I were to change one thing about my work it would most likely be the tail section at the bottom. It's pretty sloppy and doesn't fit with the rest of the piece. I would give it a 7/10 but I don't think the work is whats important in this lesson. I feel as if the work was a medium for me to learn rather then to test my skill. If I were to completely redo the entire illustrator image it would look much better then it is right now. This is because for one I would be able to look at the flaws of my piece but most importantly I would have the set of skills I gained when doing the project. Its not really about how good it looks right now in my opinion, its about what you learn is what is important right now. 

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