Monday, May 22, 2017

4th Quarter Graphic Design

Graphic Design for the Wonder Pen

These graphics that we have created are for our 4th quarter "Shark Tank" Project where we must create a product and with that develop graphics, animations, ads, and a website for it. To do this we must rotate groups so each group can get an equal share of time to work on each individual aspect of the project. Our class, however, had a slight advantage. We were able to think in depth about what we wanted our product to be before we started developing everything for it. This was an advantage that was specific to our class but that always comes with a higher bar that you need to reach. The images are the final product of our graphic design course in the 4th quarter period. 

Company logo

Lets start with the basics. This is our logo for our team and our team is called CAPS Co.. We went with this logo because we were thinking of developing an art related product so we were thinking of something related to art. We were getting bored thinking of the logo and eventually someone in the group started drawing on the paper a little tornado. We all eventually started doing it and then we had the idea of this being our logo since it is an art related icon that anyone can draw.

 The Product Logo

Ok next in the natural stage of progression we have the Product logo. This is actual an animation of that logo so I decided to go with the animation to add a bit of flare to it. Getting back on topic we were talking about how much we hated markers and how they are so annoying to carry around. We then started talking about a pen that had all the colors in it so you only had to carry one pen around and that is when the "WonderPen" was born. With the logo we really wanted to do something fun with it. Me and another  group member were looking at the words "Wonder" and "Pen". I then took notice that the "der" in "Wonder" looked very similar to "Pen" so we merged the two but we had to find a way to distinguish the "Pen" from "Wonder" and thats when my partner came up with making the N split so it looked like an N and an R.

Web Banner

This is our web banner. We just added our product logo, company logo, and product slogan. Its quite simple but it works effectively.

Coupon and Ad.

With the coupon and ad we went with a more eye catching design to really draw the consumer in. With the color scheme we went with a dark red and a bright green. This was to add visual interest in the ad and make it stand out.

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