My Second Bouncing Ball!
Hello! So I got done making my second animation and it was very interesting to make and was much more fun than the last project/animation I made. For this project we used a new rule of animation, arcs, and we improved on the fundamentals we learned from the last project. The animation process was a very long process; however this process allowed us time to work on the animation in much more detail and lets us add a more personal spin on the ending.Making the Animation
While making the animation, instead of making the part taller and then wider we made the opposite; wider and then taller. This allowed for the work to be much longer and allowed more room to work. The animation process was almost untouched since last project but there was one catch; we had to make arcs for the ball to follow. The way we did this was we used the paint tool on a layer of the animation before hand to basically make a path to follow. This change made animating the ball a much longer process because more layers were needed to be added to make the ball move. Also, if you look at the ball closely when it hits the ground you will notice its expression change. The way we did this is that we made 2 layers with a smiling ball and a squashed ball. Throughout the project I just copied that layer of the face I wanted and transformed it to the way I wanted it to look. So for the fading orange: the orange that fades in and out in the beginning and end is the "twean". "Tweanning" is a process that makes multiple frames according to one frame and makes them fade in and out. This process makes a curtain like effect and is just pleasing to the eye.
The Final Product and Issues I encountered
A couple of things could of gone much better in this project but the end product was pretty good. I had A LOT of trouble with the animation layers/frames. These turned out to be the biggest challenge within the project because of how many frames needed to be made in order to make the animation. The animation could look much more solid if I had more time to work on the animation frames themselves and not worry about anything else (but lets be real, that's NOT gonna happen any time soon). Another issue I encountered was the hook at the end of the animation, specifically the frames of the hook. The hook originally was made under one layer, which is not what is needed to animate it. The hook needs to be separate from the background so I could move it so it hooks the face. This situation quickly was solved but the issue was something that still bothered me.