Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Animated Story

The Story

A thief breaks into a museum to find a hidden treasure. He comes across the treasure and it is revealed that it is a cup. The cup is filled with a mysterious liquid so his first instinct is to drink it. This drink leads to the thief gaining immortality. The thief then drives away in his car with his immortality. 

The Process

This project was a burden on my soul. I had SO many things go wrong that I had to deal with. One of which is that my character would randomly just dismember in the video because their was a problem with the parenting tool. Another issue I had was that after effects is such a hard program to animate in. I personally have used other programs outside of school and they have been much easier to use (This may be because all of the programs I use animate on ones but still). Everything about the program seemed to be against me, layers wouldnt work, some would randomly disappear, keyframes not doing the things I told it to, and MANY more that I will not name. In total this project was more about problem solving, I actually had to draw a frame of the dude drinking at the end because of time constraints.