The 6 Shot Video Project
This video is based off the "6 Shot System" that I discussed in my last post. It was a very fun project to complete and take part in and helping my peers with the same project was also very fun. The person in the video is my partner from my last project Melia!
Creating the Video
This video was pretty self explanatory to create. We just used the 6 shots we learned to create a 30 second long video and it highlights all of them; However I had some trouble in creating the project, specifically in some key elements. One of the things I really screwed up on is the 180 degree rule. This rule is that you can only rotate around the person/character 180 degrees or half as circle. I did not use this rule within the project and it led to a big mistake on my part. This mistake is shown in the Close up of the face and hands. I also had trouble with some of the shots and had the close up of the hands and face close up in the same clip.
What I can do next Time
Next time I create a video I am going to NOT cross the 180 degree line! I think my shots could have been more dynamic as well. My shot transitions were very weird since there was no clear transition it just changed the clip so I want to work on my transitions as well.
The Overview of The Project
This, in my opinion, was my worst project this year. I really had some trouble with it and the product was mediocre; However I believe I learned the most from this project more then any other. It allowed me to reflect on my work and prepare for next time.