Thursday, February 23, 2017

My Meyers Brigs Test

Who am I?

The "Myers Brigs" Test is a test that will tell you a very basic understanding of your personality through a series of questions. Some of these questions can very from "Go out with friends or stay inside and relax?" to "When doing something do you try new things?". After taking this test it will give you a 4 letter result that tells you who you are. After taking my test I had gotten ENTJ meaning, E for Extravert, N for iNtuitive, T for Thinking, and lastly J for Judging. 
This rating is a common theme among leaders and very influential people such as Bill Gates and Stalin. This is because the rating is commonly associated with leadership and people that can get work done.

This is a very accurate description as to who I am. I am a very directive person that likes to take control of situations and use myself to the fullest of my extent in those situations. The attribute shoes that is the most accurate is intuitive in my eyes. I am always looking for better ways to accomplish one goal and how to be more effective. Judging is not so much what I thought it would be since I'm on the border line. I tend to assess a person quickly to see what they are feeling or what type of mood they are in, this is referred to as "Emotional awareness". This skill lets me have a better sense of how I need to handle certain people when talking to them in a certain situation so I believe Judging is one of my strongest assets.

My personality type just screams leader, I mean, I have several presidents that had the same type as me. Let me present a situation, a group of hikers gets lost in a mountain range and I am apart of that group, what would I do? Well I believe I would assume the role as leader within the group. I wouldnt flat out say  "You all have to listen to me right now!", I would instead

Over the course of my life I have grown from a very spastic and energetic character to a very passive and outgoing one, however my meyers brigs is not telling anything false. If I do get into a situation were I WANT to be engaged, I'm gonna be all in. Wether it be sports, video games, scouts, you name it I just want to be engaged and have fun challenging myself. My meyers brigs test made me realize that even though I might change as a person my personality will stay mostly intact and thats a good thing in my opinion.