Thursday, April 5, 2018


The next animation project was based off of something that we are all very familiar with recently, snow! It was a fun project since everyones end product looked very different. 

Special Snowflakes

The first objective for this project was to create the snowflakes themselves. We did this using a special creation tool with a curve tool. We created a one sided shape with this tool and then mirrored the shape against itself. This then created a segment of the snowflake. After we have the one segment we used a "special rotation" tool that rotated the segment in a circle and thus a snowflake was born. We repeated this 5 more times resulting in 6 individual, different flakes. 


After we created and grouped the snowflakes we created a basic window model to add some context to the scene. We then had to duplicate the snowflakes to create 18 so the animation could go on for longer. After all of this it was time to animate! We set the frame rate to 24FPS and put the max frames to 240. This, obviously, is 10 seconds long. The next part was very easy. All we had to do was create a key frame where the snowflakes were at the top and at the bottom. I rotated the bottom one to make the snowflakes seem to be randomly spinning.


This was a very fun project because of everyones different snowflakes and personal twist on the project. It was also a lot of fun just creating the snowflakes.

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